Astonishing! Very beautiful pastel-like colors!
Astonishing! Very beautiful pastel-like colors!
Bless your words, painting it's the hardest part so it means a lot you say it
How’s production for the new episodes going? Glad to see some new art for this show!
It's going good, not too far off!
So…. They still boss and minion? Or is it more to that
still boss and minion
I wonder if there will be interviews from modern artists and their experiences here
That would be really cool!! I am hoping there’s a good mix of oldheads and modern artists 100%
Whatever happened to Mrs. Clause
i had drawn a concept for her, but she didn't fit in the story
Wait what are blinkies?
the little gifs in the middle of the text :3
Yabba Dabba Doo
United States
Joined on 1/1/25